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The Value of Google Ads and How Advertising Can Help You Reach Your Business Goals

The Value of Google Ads and How Advertising Can Help You Reach Your Business Goals

Google Ads and other internet marketing practices will help you gain more visibility, credibility, and profitability in your business.

What’s involved in a Google Ads Campaign?

When you start a Google Ads campaign, your business receives a service which includes the ad management and the advertising spend. Ad management activities involve setting up the ads, writing the content, tracking the ad performance, reporting on results, and much more. The advertising expense is like the investment businesses make to boost more TV commercials in your community. The only difference is the ads are now on the internet in front of thousands of interested customers to see. Citizens in your selected cities and states that are interested and searching for keywords related to your product or services will see the ad on the Google Search Engine Results Pages and click on the ads and as a result call you, email, or book an appointment. Businesses can even build credibility and authority with potential customers in advance to a new purchase because leads can read to gain knowledge about your business online. I’ve heard several times that 70% of a sale happens online before a customer even engages verbally with the business. Customers will quickly make a purchase from businesses they know, like, and trust. When leads see information about you online, they will review your site and a seed about your business is now planted in their mind for a lifetime. So, anytime the consumer needs your services, they will call you and tell their friends and family about your business.

How Can Google Ads Help Support My Business Goals?

Google Ads can help you advance your business goals by first increasing your brand visibility in any community. Every business should love the idea of getting their products and services in the eyes of more people. The target audience interested in learning about your services or ready to make a purchase will see your advertisement online immediately when they type in keywords relevant to your business. For example, some people may type in “remodeler near me” in order to find a builder to remodel their kitchen. Once the consumer goes to your landing page, the consumer can review your website for more information, call you or just learn more about the solution you provide for their problem. This leads to credibility, when the consumer knows about your business and becomes knowledgeable about your services and you become an authority in their eyes. Consider the impact Apple has when you see their logo on a cell phone. Its credibility! Credibility comes when the consumer is familiar with your business because they now feel like they know, like, and trust your business. Once the consumer is ready, they will purchase your product or service. Once the consumer buys from your business once, they will buy from your business more often and tell others about you.

How Can My Business Profit From Google Ads?

The prize-winning step is profitability, what we all enjoy! In order to have clarity on how much you profit from Google ads, it’s important for every business to know their numbers and return on investment. Ask yourself, how much is a customer worth to your business? How much are you willing to spend to get that customer? How many views and clicks do you need in your service areas to attract that high paying customer or business? For instance, let’s say your business makes $5,000 per customer. You should spend at least $2,000 in the first 2 months on Google Ads to find that customer. Here’s why it’s a $3,000 profit once you find that customer in 2 months of Google Ads services. We didn’t even mention the repeat business, your golden goose business partners that sends leads, and the word of mouth that comes along with this visibility. That’s why it’s important to understand the value of marketing. Knowing your numbers is most important to help you see the value of the investment you make. Once you have 1 client worth $5000, you will gain continuous business with that client years later. So, if you invest $1,000 a month in a PPC service like DBA Marketing Pros, and you receive a client in 3 months, you would have invested $3000 and profited $2000. Let’s take it another level, one client a month in a 3 month timeframe would be $15,000 off your $3,000 investment. The profit would be $12,000 and that’s why we need to know your numbers and figure out the return on investment. Your return on investment will help you understand the value of Google Ads and how this marketing strategy will advance your business goals. It’s the only way you will feel confident investing $3,000 to gain $15,000 in 3 months. Imagine the client giving you recurring business over 5 years. That’s a lot of profit. Take a moment to look at the value of a potential customer who is now knowledgeable about your business. Google Ads is worth it, but only when business owners take the time to understand their numbers and profitable gain. Otherwise, you might see Google Ads as wasted funds because you don’t know your numbers and do not recognize the value of how Google Ads impacts your business growth. Google Ads reaps significant benefits to the marketing you’re already taking part in, the credibility of your brand perception, and the profitability of new business and repeat business through word of mouth and reputation.

Recap of Google Ads Benefits:

As you begin your Google Ads campaign, remember to take heed and value all the ways potential customers find you. Once a potential customer sees your business profile or site online, we have planted a seed in their minds and they now will reverence your business name forever. Consumers will come back to your site repetitiously and tell others about your business when they need or want to buy your products or services. Now let’s say it’s a realtor that connects with your business online and the realtor is a repeat customer who has given you 50 customers each year. That’s business for a lifetime. Let’s say, it’s a consumer who viewed your page and did not make a purchase. They read through your site and gained knowledge and information about your business, these efforts are beneficial as well. The consumer can now can refer you as their “go to” person and share your brand with others. Google Ads can help advance your business goals through driving more consumers that are interested in your services to your website and when others already see the marketing you’re doing, they will search and find out more about you online and immediately run into your business and ads and automatically see credibility and purchase from you. If you’re ready to reach your business goals, call us at (919-410-7416) to start your Google Ads campaign today.

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